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Re-Lording Richard 3.0

Creative Centre Auditorium - YSJ University

About the Show

Re-Lording Richard 3.0 24 April, 7:30pm – York St John University Creative Centre Auditorium £15 Standard £15 Pass It On! (purchase a ticket for a member of our refugee and asylum seeker community who would otherwise be unable to attend this event) £5 Student (available for students with a valid ID card) **All tickets purchased online come with a 10% processing charge. Tickets purchased in person are not subject to this charge but availability of tickets is not guaranteed. Running time is 50 minutes without an interval "If a lie is repeated often enough, eventually it becomes the truth." 1485: King Richard III dies. His death marks the end of the ‘Wars of the Roses’. He finds himself in a waiting room and … waits. For what? He doesn’t know. At his side is Alexa. He learns of his legacy of being the most reviled king of England, to have gone down in history as a usurper and a tyrant. Shakespeare’s play underpins Richard's person as the embodiment of evil. Richard shares his story with us: his childhood, the scheming life at court, his fears, doubts, joys and unwavering loyalty. He explores the change in fashion. Above all, Richard settles accounts with Shakespeare. Back then, it was the theatre; today, it is social media that provides the space for propaganda and fake news. Richard and Alexa come across the question: Has the world really changed fundamentally? Creative team: text written by…………………Philipp Sommer text associate…………………..Maja Delinić sound design……………………Clemens Gutjahr visual design…………………….Peter Issig photos/stills/trailer…………..Siegersbusch Film poster design……………………Vera Kayh costume design………………..Philipp Sommer

Booking Information

On each of our events we offer a ticket option called Pass It On! If you purchase any number of these tickets, we will gratefully pass them on to people who otherwise would be unable to attend due to financial barriers, with a special focus on refugees and asylum seekers. Would you like to be considered for a Pass It On! ticket? Contact us at --- All tickets for our events have an added 10% to help cover our ticket processing surcharge. Tickets purchased in person are not subject to this charge, but we cannot guarantee availability without booking in advance. --- There is a hearing loop and a limited number of wheelchair spaces available at this venue. Please contact us via phone call at 07784819412 or email at to discuss accessibility measures or to request a wheelchair ticket. --- No longer able to attend? We understand - things happen. If you are no longer able to attend we ask that you let us know as far in advance as possible so we can re-sell your ticket. We will offer refunds and aim to process these within 30 days. Contact us at for more information and to request a cancellation.

Donate to YISF

This festival runs on a non-profit model, made possible by the hard work of dedicated volunteers and contributions from international organisations, private donors, and local partners. Every donation helps to ensure this work can continue.

In 2024, your donations will go towards...

-the creation of an original performance by actors from Ukraine and artists from York

-storytelling workshops in schools and libraries across Yorkshire

-identity building workshops for secondary students delivered by renowned international artists

-university students receiving hands-on work experience in event management and international literature

And so much more!

Do you have questions or want to get involved? Email us at


Thank you so much, your donation is greatly appreciated.

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